Syria National Anthem Lyrics

The Syria national anthem, “Homat el Diyar,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in Arabic.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Homat el Diyar (حماة الديار)
  • Written Date: 1936
  • Lyricist: Khalil Mardam Bey
  • Composer: Mohammed Flayfel
  • Official Adoption Date: 1936

Original Lyrics in Arabic

حُماةَ الدِّيارِ عليكمْ سَلامْ
أبَتْ أنْ تَذِلَّ النفوسُ الكِرامْ
عرينُ العروبةِ بيتٌ حَرام
وعرشُ الشَّموسِ حِمىً لا يُضامْ
ربوعُ الشَّآمِ بُروجُ العُلا
تُحاكي السَّما مُجدَها المُؤثَلا
فأمجادُها وكُفاحُ الأُلى
بنَى مجدَها
إلى الذُّرى
إلى الذُّرى
إلى الذُّرى

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Syria national anthem English version. “Homat el Diyar” reflects the pride and unity of Syria. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

Guardians of the homeland, upon you be peace,
Our proud spirits refuse to be humiliated.
The den of Arabism is a sacred sanctuary,
And the throne of the suns is a protector that does not disappoint.
The plains of Syria are towers in the heights,
They are like the sky above, protecting the land.
A noble cause that builds glory,
From the heroes who protect it,
To the heights,
To the heights,
To the heights.

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Syria national anthem, please visit:
The National Anthem of Syria: Homat el Diyar
Syria National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Syria national anthem, “Homat el Diyar.”

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