Switzerland National Anthem Lyrics

The Switzerland national anthem, “Swiss Psalm,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in German.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Swiss Psalm (Schweizerpsalm)
  • Written Date: 1841
  • Lyricist: Leonhard Widmer
  • Composer: Alberich Zwyssig
  • Official Adoption Date: 1981

Original Lyrics in German

Trittst im Morgenrot daher,
seh’ ich dich im Strahlenmeer,
dich, du Hocherhabener, Herrlicher!
Wenn der Alpen Firn sich rötet,
betet, freie Schweizer, betet.
Eure fromme Seele ahnt,
eure fromme Seele ahnt,
Gott im hehren Vaterland,
Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland.

Kommst im Abendglühn daher,
find’ ich dich im Sternenheer,
dich, du Menschenfreundlicher, Liebender!
In des Himmels lichten Räumen
kann ich froh und selig träumen!
Denn die fromme Seele ahnt,
denn die fromme Seele ahnt,
Gott im hehren Vaterland,
Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland.

Ziehst im Nebelflor daher,
such’ ich dich im Wolkenmeer,
dich, du Unergründlicher, Ewiger!
Aus dem grauen Luftgebilde
tritt die Sonne klar und milde,
und die fromme Seele ahnt,
und die fromme Seele ahnt,
Gott im hehren Vaterland,
Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland.

Fährst im wilden Sturm daher,
bist du selbst uns Hort und Wehr,
du, allmächtig Waltender, Rettender!
In der Angst und Not der Zeiten
kann dich frommes Volk nicht leiden,
denn die fromme Seele ahnt,
denn die fromme Seele ahnt,
Gott im hehren Vaterland,
Gott, den Herrn, im hehren Vaterland.

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Switzerland national anthem English version. “Swiss Psalm” reflects the pride and unity of Switzerland. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

When the morning skies grow red,
And o’er their radiance shed,
Thou, O Lord, appeareth in their light.
When the Alps glow bright with splendor,
Pray, free Swiss, pray,
For you feel and understand,
For you feel and understand,
That God dwelleth in this land,
That God, the Lord, dwelleth in this land.

In the sunset Thou art nigh,
And beyond the starry sky,
Thou, O loving Father, ever near,
When to Heaven we are departing,
Joy and bliss Thou’lt be imparting,
For we feel and understand,
For we feel and understand,
That God dwelleth in this land,
That God, the Lord, dwelleth in this land.

When dark clouds enshroud the hills,
And gray mist the valley fills,
Yet Thou art not hidden from Thy sons.
Pierce the gloom in which we cower
With Thy sunshine’s cleansing power,
Then we’ll feel and understand,
Then we’ll feel and understand,
That God dwelleth in this land,
That God, the Lord, dwelleth in this land.

Towards us in the storm’s fury
Thou, Almighty, art ever near,
And when the storm is wildest,
Thou, our Savior and Redeemer,
Speak to us in accents mild,
And we’ll feel and understand,
And we’ll feel and understand,
That God dwelleth in this land,
That God, the Lord, dwelleth in this land.

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Switzerland national anthem, please visit:
Lyrics and Their Significance: Understanding Switzerland’s National Anthem
Switzerland National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Switzerland national anthem, “Swiss Psalm.”

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