National Anthems

Mauritania National Anthem Lyrics

The Mauritania national anthem, “Bilādī” (My Country), celebrates the unity and righteousness of the Mauritanian nation. Below are the original lyrics in Arabic and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Arabic بلادِي كِ والوفاءُ بنتَ العُلى والرفَاعَةوَسْمَتْكِ الأبَاةُ مِنْ بَيْنِ الكَائِنَاتْوَلَدْتِ كَرِيمَةً وَلدَاكِ الكِرَامُ مَكرَمَةًوَفِيكِ بَنَيْنَا كِدَارُ السَّلامْدِمَاؤُنَا تَفْتَدِيكِ نَفوسُنَا لَكَ تَفْدىعَلَى العَهْدِ…

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Marshall Islands National Anthem Lyrics

The Marshall Islands national anthem, “Forever Marshall Islands,” celebrates the love, unity, and resilience of the Marshallese nation. Below are the original lyrics in Marshallese and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Marshallese Ar mek aō kin meramMour iokwe lok nan ao lemoranIj iokwe eok aj ri aelōñ eo aoIm iokwe eok aelōñ…

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Malta National Anthem Lyrics

The Malta national anthem, “L-Innu Malti” (The Maltese Hymn), celebrates the unity and heritage of the Maltese nation. Below are the original lyrics in Maltese and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Maltese Lil din l-art ħelwa, l-Omm li tatna isimha,Ħares Mulej, kif dejjem Int ħarist:Ftakar li lilha bil-oħla dawl libbist.Agħti kbir Alla,…

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Mali National Anthem Lyrics

The Mali national anthem, “Le Mali,” celebrates the pride, unity, and aspiration of the Malian nation. Below are the original lyrics in French and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in French Pour l’Afrique et pour toi, Mali,Notre drapeau sera liberté.Pour l’Afrique et pour toi, Mali,Notre combat sera unité. English Translation of the Lyrics…

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Maldives National Anthem Lyrics

The Maldives national anthem, “Gaumii salaam” (National Salute), celebrates the unity and heritage of the Maldivian nation. Below are the original lyrics in Dhivehi and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Dhivehi Gaumee miu salaamGaukuru miu hidaayahNohiyya miu rangalhuQaumee miu rayyithakah. English Translation of the Lyrics Here is the Maldives national anthem English…

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Malaysia National Anthem Lyrics

The Malaysia national anthem, “Negaraku” (My Country), celebrates the unity and heritage of the Malaysian nation. Below are the original lyrics in Malay and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Malay NegarakuTanah tumpahnya darahku,Rakyat hidup bersatu dan maju,Rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan,Raja kita selamat bertakhta. Chorus:Rahmat bahagia Tuhan kurniakan,Raja kita selamat bertakhta. English Translation…

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Malawi National Anthem Lyrics

The Malawi national anthem, “Mulungu dalitsa Malawi” (God Bless Malawi), celebrates the history and significance of the Malawian nation. Below are the original lyrics in Chichewa and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Chichewa O Mulungu dalitsa Malawi,Mumsunge m’mtendere.Gonjetsani adani onse,Njala, nthenda, nsanje.Lunzitsani mitima yathu,Kuti tisaope.Mdalitse Mtsogoleri athu,Ndi mayi Malawi. English Translation of…

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Madagascar National Anthem Lyrics

The Madagascar national anthem, “Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô” (Oh, Beloved Land of Our Ancestors), celebrates the heritage and pride of the Malagasy nation. Below are the original lyrics in Malagasy and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Malagasy Ry Tanindrazanay malala ô,Ry Madagasikara soa.Ny fitiavanay anao tsy miala,Fa ho anao doria tokoa. English…

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Luxembourg National Anthem Lyrics

The Luxembourg national anthem, “Ons Heemecht” (Our Homeland), celebrates the unity and heritage of the Luxembourgish nation. Below are the original lyrics in Luxembourgish and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Luxembourgish Wou d’Uelzécht durech d’Wisen zéit,Duerch d’Feld an d’Bësch den Alzéiss fléisst,Wou d’Rief laanscht d’Musel dofteg bléit,Den Himmel wäin a sonnëg bléisst.Dat…

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Lithuania National Anthem Lyrics

The Lithuania national anthem, “Tautiška giesmė” (National Hymn), celebrates the unity and heritage of the Lithuanian nation. Below are the original lyrics in Lithuanian and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Lithuanian Lietuva, Tėvyne mūsų,Tu didvyrių žeme,Iš praeities Tavo sūnūsTe stiprybę semia.Tegul Tavo vaikai einaVien takais dorybės,Tegul dirba Tavo naudaiIr žmonių gėrybei. English…

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