Central African Republic National Anthem Lyrics

The Central African Republic national anthem, “La Renaissance” (The Renaissance), celebrates the unity and pride of the Central African nation. Below are the original lyrics in French and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: La Renaissance (The Renaissance)
  • Written Date: 1960
  • Lyricist: Barthélémy Boganda
  • Composer: Herbert Pepper
  • Official Adoption Date: 1960

Original Lyrics in French

O Centrafrique, ô berceau des Bantous!
Reprends ton droit au respect, à la vie!
Longtemps soumis, longtemps brimé par tous,
Mais de ce jour brisant la tyrannie.
Dans le travail, l’ordre et la dignité,
Tu reconquiers ton droit, ton unité,
Et pour franchir cette étape nouvelle,
De nos ancêtres la voix nous appelle.

Au travail dans l’ordre et la dignité,
Dans le respect du droit et dans l’unité,
Brisant la misère et la tyrannie,
Brandissant l’étendard de la Patrie.

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Central African Republic national anthem English version. “La Renaissance” reflects the pride and unity of the Central African Republic. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

O Central Africa, cradle of the Bantu!
Take back your right to respect, to life!
Long subjugated, long scorned by all,
But from this day breaking tyranny.
Through work, order, and dignity,
You reconquer your right, your unity,
And to pass through this new step,
The voice of our ancestors calls us.

To work in order and dignity,
In the respect of rights and in unity,
Breaking poverty and tyranny,
Raising the flag of the Fatherland.

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Central African Republic national anthem, please visit:
The National Anthem of Central African Republic: A Symbol of Unity and Pride
Central African Republic National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Central African Republic national anthem, “La Renaissance.”

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