Chad National Anthem Lyrics

The Chad national anthem, “La Tchadienne” (The Chadian), celebrates the unity and heritage of the Chadian nation. Below are the original lyrics in French and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: La Tchadienne (The Chadian)
  • Written Date: 1960
  • Lyricist: Louis Gidrol, Philippe-Victor Sdoudi, and others
  • Composer: Paul Villard
  • Official Adoption Date: 1960

Original Lyrics in French

Salut ô terre d’espérance,
Pays de tous les hommes libres.
Peuple qui franchis la brousse,
Montagnes, désert et rivières,
Peuple qui franchis la brousse,
Montagnes, désert et rivières,
Bénis par le souffle ardent
De la liberté qui nous guide.
Lève les yeux, l’avenir est à toi.

Ô mon pays, que Dieu te prenne
Sous sa grande protection.
Fais monter à Lui tes chants
De joie et d’ardente ferveur.
Fais monter à Lui tes chants
De joie et d’ardente ferveur.

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Chad national anthem English version. “La Tchadienne” reflects the pride and unity of Chad. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

Hail, oh land of hope,
Country of all free men.
People who cross the bush,
Mountains, desert, and rivers,
People who cross the bush,
Mountains, desert, and rivers,
Blessed by the ardent breath
Of freedom that guides us.
Lift up your eyes, the future is yours.

O my country, may God take you
Under His great protection.
Raise to Him your songs
Of joy and ardent fervor.
Raise to Him your songs
Of joy and ardent fervor.

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Chad national anthem, please visit:
The National Anthem of Chad: La Tchadienne
Chad National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Chad national anthem, “La Tchadienne.”

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