Cape Verde National Anthem Lyrics

The Cape Verde national anthem, “Cântico da Liberdade” (Chant of Freedom), celebrates the unity and heritage of the Cape Verdean nation. Below are the original lyrics in Portuguese and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Cântico da Liberdade (Chant of Freedom)
  • Written Date: 1996
  • Lyricist: Amílcar Spencer Lopes
  • Composer: Adalberto Higino Tavares Silva
  • Official Adoption Date: 1996

Original Lyrics in Portuguese

Canta, irmão
Canta, meu irmão
Que a liberdade é hino
E o homem a certeza

Com dignidade, enterra a semente
No pó da ilha nua
No despenhadeiro da vida
A esperança é do tamanho do mar
Que nos abraça
Sentinela de mares e ventos
Perseverante entre estrelas
E do Atlântico entoa o cântico da liberdade

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Cape Verde national anthem English version. “Cântico da Liberdade” reflects the pride and unity of Cape Verde. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

Sing, brother
Sing, my brother
For freedom is a hymn
And man a certainty

With dignity, bury the seed
In the dust of the bare island
On the cliff of life
Hope is as large as the sea
That embraces us
Sentinel of the seas and winds
Persistent among the stars
And from the Atlantic intones
The chant of freedom

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Cape Verde national anthem, please visit:
Unlock the Power of Unity with Cape Verde’s Cântico da Liberdade
Cape Verde National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Cape Verde national anthem, “Cântico da Liberdade.”

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