Mauritania National Anthem Lyrics
The Mauritania national anthem, “Bilādī” (My Country), celebrates the unity and righteousness of the Mauritanian nation. Below are the original lyrics in Arabic and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Arabic بلادِي كِ والوفاءُ بنتَ العُلى والرفَاعَةوَسْمَتْكِ الأبَاةُ مِنْ بَيْنِ الكَائِنَاتْوَلَدْتِ كَرِيمَةً وَلدَاكِ الكِرَامُ مَكرَمَةًوَفِيكِ بَنَيْنَا كِدَارُ السَّلامْدِمَاؤُنَا تَفْتَدِيكِ نَفوسُنَا لَكَ تَفْدىعَلَى العَهْدِ…