Costa Rica National Anthem Lyrics

The Costa Rica national anthem, “Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera” (Noble Homeland, Your Beautiful Flag), celebrates the pride and unity of the Costa Rican nation. Below are the original lyrics in Spanish and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera (Noble Homeland, Your Beautiful Flag)
  • Written Date: 1852
  • Lyricist: José María Zeledón Brenes
  • Composer: Manuel María Gutiérrez
  • Official Adoption Date: 1852

Original Lyrics in Spanish

Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera
Expresión de tu vida nos da;
Bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo,
Blanca y pura descansa la paz.
En la lucha tenaz, de fecunda labor
Que enrojece del hombre la faz,
Conquistaron tus hijos, labriegos sencillos,
Eterno prestigio, estima y honor.
¡Salve, oh tierra gentil!
¡Salve, oh madre de amor!
Cuando alguno pretenda tu gloria manchar,
Verás a tu pueblo, valiente y viril,
La tosca herramienta en arma trocar.
Salve oh patria, tu pródigo suelo
Dulce abrigo y sustento nos da;
Bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo,
¡Vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz!

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Costa Rica national anthem English version. “Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera” reflects the pride and unity of Costa Rica. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

Noble homeland, your beautiful flag
Gives us the expression of your life;
Under the clear blue of your sky,
White and pure rests peace.
In the tenacious struggle of fruitful labor
That reddens man’s face,
Your children, simple farmhands,
Conquered eternal prestige, esteem, and honor.
Hail, oh gentle land!
Hail, oh mother of love!
When anyone attempts to tarnish your glory,
You will see your people, brave and virile,
Turn the rustic tool into a weapon.
Hail, oh homeland, your prodigious soil
Gives us sweet shelter and sustenance;
Under the clear blue of your sky,
May work and peace always live!

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Costa Rica national anthem, please visit:
The Costa Rica National Anthem: A Symbol of Pride and Unity
Costa Rica National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Costa Rica national anthem, “Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera.”

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