Colombia National Anthem Lyrics

The Colombia national anthem, “Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia” (National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia), celebrates the unity and heritage of the Colombian nation. Below are the original lyrics in Spanish and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia (National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia)
  • Written Date: 1887
  • Lyricist: Rafael Núñez
  • Composer: Oreste Síndici
  • Official Adoption Date: 1920

Original Lyrics in Spanish

¡Oh gloria inmarcesible!
¡Oh júbilo inmortal!
En surcos de dolores
El bien germina ya.

Cesó la horrible noche,
La libertad sublime
Derrama las auroras
De su invencible luz.
La humanidad entera,
Que entre cadenas gime,
Comprende las palabras
Del que murió en la cruz.

¡Independencia grita
El mundo americano!
Se baña en sangre de héroes
La tierra de Colón.
Pero este gran principio:
“El rey no es soberano”,
Resuena, y los que sufren
Bendicen su pasión.

Del Orinoco el cauce
Se colma de despojos;
De sangre y llanto un río
Se mira allí correr.
En Bárbula no saben
Las almas ni los ojos,
Si admiración o espanto
Sentir o padecer.

A orillas del Caribe
Hambriento un pueblo lucha,
Horrores prefiriendo
A pérfida salud.
¡Oh sí! De Cartagena
La abnegación es mucha,
Y escombros de la muerte
Desprecia su virtud.

En el azote implacable
Del bárbaro invasor
Los virginales campos
De la América del Sur.
Perfiles de los héroes,
Que en Barrosa vieron,
Doscientas veces dieron
La libertad de la cruz.

¡Concluida la jornada!
Concentrado el poder
El surco de la angustia
Levedad nos da.
En el dolor y la lucha
El pueblo también brota,
La alegría que en la entraña
Guarda una libertad.

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Colombia national anthem English version. “Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia” reflects the pride and unity of Colombia. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

Oh unfading glory!
Oh immortal joy!
In furrows of pain
Goodness now germinates.

The dreadful night has ceased,
Sublime liberty
Spreads its invincible light.
The whole humanity,
Groaning in chains,
Understands the words
Of the one who died on the cross.

“Independence” cries
The American world;
The land of Columbus
Is bathed in heroes’ blood.
But this great principle:
“The king is not sovereign”
Resounds, and those who suffer
Bless their passion.

From the Orinoco’s river
The great blood flows;
A river of tears and blood
Runs there.
In Bárbula, the souls
Do not know if to feel
Amazement or fear,
To suffer or to suffer.

By the Caribbean sea,
A hungry people fight,
Preferring horrors
To a perfidious health.
Oh, yes! Cartagena
Their self-denial is great,
And ruins of death
They despise their virtue.

In the implacable fury
Of the barbarous invader
The virginal fields
Of South America.
The outlines of heroes,
Who in Barrosa saw,
Two hundred times gave
The freedom of the cross.

When the journey is concluded,
Power is concentrated
In the furrow of anguish,
And in the struggle and pain
The people grow,
The joy that freedom
Holds in their entrails.

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Colombia national anthem, please visit:
The Heart and Soul of Colombia: The National Anthem
Colombia National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Colombia national anthem, “Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia.”

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