Bahrain National Anthem Lyrics

The Bahrain national anthem, “Bahrainona” (Our Bahrain), celebrates the unity and pride of the Bahraini nation. Below are the original lyrics in Arabic and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Arabic بحريننامليكنارمز الوئامدستورهاعالي المكانةوالشريعةوالعروبةوقائد السلامعاش الملكللعلموالوطن English Translation of the Lyrics Here is the Bahrain national anthem English version. “Bahrainona” reflects the pride…

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Bahamas National Anthem Lyrics

The Bahamas national anthem, “March On, Bahama Land,” celebrates the unity and progress of the Bahamian nation. Below are the original lyrics in English. Additional Information Original Lyrics in English Lift up your head to the rising sun, Bahama land;March on to glory, your bright banners waving high.See how the world marks the manner of…

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Azerbaijan National Anthem Lyrics

The Azerbaijan national anthem, “Azərbaycan Marşı” (March of Azerbaijan), celebrates the unity and pride of the Azerbaijani nation. Below are the original lyrics in Azerbaijani and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Azerbaijani Azərbaycan, Azərbaycan!Ey qəhrəman övladın şanlı Vətəni!Səndən ötrü can verməyə cümlə hazırız!Səndən ötrü qan tökməyə cümlə qadiriz!Üç rəngli bayrağınla məsud yaşa!…

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Austria National Anthem Lyrics

The Austria national anthem, “Land der Berge, Land am Strome” (Land of Mountains, Land by the River), celebrates the unity and pride of the Austrian nation. Below are the original lyrics in German and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in German Land der Berge, Land am Strome,Land der Äcker, Land der Dome,Land der…

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Australia National Anthem Lyrics

The Australia national anthem, “Advance Australia Fair,” celebrates the pride and unity of the Australian nation. Below are the original lyrics in English. Additional Information Original Lyrics in English Australians all let us rejoice,For we are one and free;We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil;Our home is girt by sea;Our land abounds in nature’s giftsOf…

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Armenia National Anthem Lyrics

The Armenia national anthem, “Mer Hayrenik” (Our Fatherland), celebrates the pride and heritage of the Armenian nation. Below are the original lyrics in Armenian and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Armenian Մեր հայրենիք, ազատ, անկախ,Որ ապրել է դարեդար,Իր որդիքը արդ կանչում էԱզատ, անկախ Հայաստան: Ահա եղբայր քեզ մի դրոշ,Որ պիտի միշտ բարձրանայ,Յուր…

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Argentina National Anthem Lyrics

The Argentina national anthem, “Himno Nacional Argentino” (Argentine National Anthem), celebrates the unity and patriotism of the Argentine nation. Below are the original lyrics in Spanish and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Spanish Oid mortales, el grito sagrado:¡Libertad, libertad, libertad!Oid el ruido de rotas cadenas:Ved en trono a la noble Igualdad.Ya su…

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Angola National Anthem Lyrics

The Angola national anthem, “Angola Avante” (Forward Angola), celebrates the pride and unity of the Angolan nation. Below are the original lyrics in Portuguese and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Portuguese Ó Pátria, nunca mais esqueceremosOs heróis do quatro de Fevereiro.Ó Pátria, nós saudamos os teus filhosTombados pela nossa Independência.Honramos o passado…

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Andorra National Anthem Lyrics

The Andorra national anthem, “El Gran Carlemany” (The Great Charlemagne), celebrates the heritage and history of the Andorran nation. Below are the original lyrics in Catalan and their English translation. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Catalan El gran Carlemany, mon pare,dels alarbs em deslliurà,i del cel vida em donàde Meritxell, la gran Mare.Princesa nasquí i…

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