Angola National Anthem Lyrics

The Angola national anthem, “Angola Avante” (Forward Angola), celebrates the pride and unity of the Angolan nation. Below are the original lyrics in Portuguese and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Angola Avante (Forward Angola)
  • Written Date: 1975
  • Lyricist: Manuel Rui Alves Monteiro
  • Composer: Rui Alberto Vieira Dias Mingas
  • Official Adoption Date: 1975

Original Lyrics in Portuguese

Ó Pátria, nunca mais esqueceremos
Os heróis do quatro de Fevereiro.
Ó Pátria, nós saudamos os teus filhos
Tombados pela nossa Independência.
Honramos o passado e a nossa História,
Como se ergue a pátria imortal,
Angola avante, revolução,
Pelo poder popular.


Viva, viva a pátria,
Unida e livre,
Angola nossa terra mãe.
Glória aos seus heróis,
Que há de conduzir-nos
À paz e ao progresso.

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Angola national anthem English version. “Angola Avante” reflects the pride and unity of Angola. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

O Fatherland, we shall never forget
The heroes of the Fourth of February.
O Fatherland, we salute your sons
Who died for our Independence.
We honor the past and our history,
As by our work we build the new man.
Forward, Angola, Revolution,
The people united shall always prevail.


Live, live, Fatherland,
Our land united and free.
Live, live, Fatherland,
Our land of brave warriors.
We shall make the greatest nation
In all Africa and the world.

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Angola national anthem, please visit:
Angola Avante: National Anthem of Pride and Unity
Angola National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Angola national anthem, “Angola Avante.”

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