Burkina Faso National Anthem Lyrics

The Burkina Faso national anthem, “Une Seule Nuit” (A Single Night), celebrates the unity and resilience of the Burkinabe nation. Below are the original lyrics in French and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Une Seule Nuit (A Single Night)
  • Written Date: 1960
  • Lyricist: Thomas Sankara
  • Composer: Thomas Sankara
  • Official Adoption Date: 1984

Original Lyrics in French

Contre la férule humiliante il y a déjà mille ans,
La rapacité venue de loin les asservir il y a cent ans,
Contre la cynique malice métamorphosée,
Contre l’avant-gardisme de la politique étrangère,
Beaucoup flanchèrent et certains résistèrent.
Mais les échecs, les succès, la sueur, le sang
Ont fortifié notre vaillante peuple et fertilisé sa lutte héroïque.

Et une seule nuit a rassemblé en elle
L’histoire de tout un peuple,
Et une seule nuit a déclenché sa marche triomphale
Vers l’horizon du bonheur.
Une seule nuit a réconcilié notre peuple
Avec tous les peuples du monde,
À la conquête de la liberté et du progrès.
La Patrie ou la mort, nous vaincrons.

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Burkina Faso national anthem English version. “Une Seule Nuit” reflects the pride and unity of Burkina Faso. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

Against the humiliating rule imposed on us a thousand years ago,
Against the cynical malice of our subjugation by others far away,
Many gave in and a few resisted.
But the hardships, failures, sweat, and blood
Have strengthened our courageous people and fertilized their heroic struggle.

And one single night has brought together
The history of an entire people,
And one single night has set in motion
Its triumphant march towards the horizon of happiness.
One single night has reconciled our people
With all the peoples of the world,
To the conquest of freedom and progress.
Fatherland or death, we shall overcome.

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Burkina Faso national anthem, please visit:
Une Seule Nuit: The Powerful National Anthem of Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Burkina Faso national anthem, “Une Seule Nuit.”

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