Sudan National Anthem Lyrics

The Sudan national anthem, “Nahnu Jund Allah Jund Al-watan,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in Arabic.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Nahnu Jund Allah Jund Al-watan (نحن جند الله جند الوطن)
  • Written Date: 1956
  • Lyricist: Ahmed Mohammed Salih
  • Composer: Ahmed Murjan
  • Official Adoption Date: 1956

Original Lyrics in Arabic

نحن جند الله جند الوطن
إن دعا داعي الفداء لم نخن
نتحدى الموت عند المحن
نشتري المجد بأغلى ثمن
هذه الأرض لنا
فليعش سوداننا علما بين الأمم
يا بني السودان هذا رمزكم
يحمي حقكم
ويبدي عزكم
يا بني السودان هذا رمزكم
يحمي حقكم
ويبدي عزكم

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Sudan national anthem English version. “Nahnu Jund Allah Jund Al-watan” reflects the pride and unity of Sudan. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

We are the soldiers of God, the soldiers of the nation
If called to sacrifice, we never betray
We challenge death at times of adversity
We buy glory at the highest price
This land is ours
Let our Sudan live long
As a banner among nations
O sons of Sudan, this is your symbol
It protects your right
And shows your might
O sons of Sudan, this is your symbol
It protects your right
And shows your might

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Sudan national anthem, please visit:
The Significance of the Sudan National Anthem: Unifying Pride and Identity
Sudan National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Sudan national anthem, “Nahnu Jund Allah Jund Al-watan.”

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