Paraguay National Anthem Lyrics

The Paraguay national anthem, “Paraguayos, República o Muerte,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in Spanish.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Paraguayos, República o Muerte
  • Written Date: 1846
  • Lyricist: Francisco Acuña de Figueroa
  • Composer: Francisco José Debali
  • Official Adoption Date: 1934

Original Lyrics in Spanish

A los pueblos de América, infausto,
Tres centurias un cetro oprimió;
Mas un día soberbia surgiendo,
¡Basta! dijo, y el cetro rompió.

Nuestros padres lidiaron un día,
Encendidos en patrio ardimiento;
Lo de invicto a la faz de la tierra
Mostrarán con su sangre la muerte.

¡Triunfadores! que aún se alza su estirpe
Y en sus fueros, de nuevo y fuertes;
¡Paraguayos, república o muerte!
Nuestro brío nos dio libertad.

Ni opresores, ni siervos alientan,
Donde reinan unión e igualdad,
Digno altivo, su trono está en blanco,
Y de nuevo en la alta presencia del sol.

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Paraguay national anthem English version. “Paraguayos, República o Muerte” reflects the pride and unity of Paraguay. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

To the peoples of America, unfortunate,
For three centuries a scepter oppressed;
But one day in arrogance rising,
“Enough!” it said, and the scepter broke.

Our fathers fought one day,
Aflame with patriotic ardor;
They showed the world
With their blood, the face of death.

Victors! who still raise their lineage,
And in their rights, again and strong;
Paraguayans, Republic or death!
Our vigor gave us liberty.

Neither oppressors nor servants breathe,
Where union and equality reign,
Dignified and proud, their throne is in white,
And again in the high presence of the sun.

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Paraguay national anthem, please visit:
The Paraguay National Anthem: Symbolizing Pride, Unity, and Freedom
Paraguay National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Paraguay national anthem, “Paraguayos, República o Muerte.”

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