North Macedonia National Anthem Lyrics

The North Macedonia national anthem, “Denes nad Makedonija,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in Macedonian.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Denes nad Makedonija (Денес над Македонија)
  • Written Date: 1943
  • Lyricist: Vlado Maleski
  • Composer: Todor Skalovski
  • Official Adoption Date: 1991

Original Lyrics in Macedonian

Денес над Македонија се раѓа,
ново сонце на слободата!
Македонците се борат,
за своите правдини!

Македонците се борат,
за своите правдини!
Сега знамето се вее,
на Крушево!

Сега знамето се вее,
на Крушево!
Гоце Делчев, Питу Гули,
Даме Груев, Сандански!

Гоце Делчев, Питу Гули,
Даме Груев, Сандански!
Горите Македонски пеат,
нови песни, нови вести!

Горите Македонски пеат,
нови песни, нови вести!
Македонија слободна,
слободно живее!

Македонија слободна,
слободно живее!

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the North Macedonia national anthem English version. “Denes nad Makedonija” reflects the pride and unity of North Macedonia. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

Today over Macedonia is being born,
the new sun of liberty!
The Macedonians fight,
for their own rights!

The Macedonians fight,
for their own rights!
Now the flag flies,
of Kruševo!

Now the flag flies,
of Kruševo!
Goce Delčev, Pitu Guli,
Dame Gruev, Sandanski!

Goce Delčev, Pitu Guli,
Dame Gruev, Sandanski!
The Macedonian forests sing,
new songs, new news!

The Macedonian forests sing,
new songs, new news!
Macedonia is liberated,
lives in freedom!

Macedonia is liberated,
lives in freedom!

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the North Macedonia national anthem, please visit:
The Lyrics and Meaning Behind North Macedonia’s National Anthem
North Macedonia National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the North Macedonia national anthem, “Denes nad Makedonija.”

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