Iraq National Anthem Lyrics

The Iraq national anthem, “Mawtini” (My Homeland), celebrates the heritage and aspirations of the Iraqi nation. Below are the original lyrics in Arabic and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Mawtini (My Homeland)
  • Written Date: 1934
  • Lyricist: Ibrahim Tuqan
  • Composer: Mohammad Flayfel
  • Official Adoption Date: 2004

Original Lyrics in Arabic

الجلال والجمال
والسناء والبهاء
في رباك
في رباك
والحياة والنجاة
والهناء والرجاء
في هواك
في هواك
هل أراك
هل أراك
سالما منعما وغانما مكرما
هل أراك
في علاك
تبلغ السماك
الشباب لن يكل
همه أن يستقل
أو يبيد
أو يبيد
نستقي من الردى
ولن نكون للعدى
لا نريد
لا نريد
ذلنا المؤبدا وعيشنا المنكدا
لا نريد
بل نعيد
مجدنا التليد
الحسام واليراع
لا الكلام والنزاع
مجدنا وعهدنا
وواجب من الوفا
غاية تشرف وراية ترفرف
يا هناك
في علاك
قاهرا عداك

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Iraq national anthem English version. “Mawtini” reflects the pride and unity of Iraq. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

My homeland
My homeland
Glory and beauty
Sublimity and splendor
Are in your hills
Are in your hills
Life and deliverance
Pleasure and hope
Are in your atmosphere
Are in your atmosphere
Will I see you?
Will I see you?
Safe, blessed, victorious, and honored
Will I see you?
In your eminence
Reaching the sky
My homeland
My homeland
The youth will not tire
Their goal is your independence
Or they die
Or they die
We drink from death
And will not be to our enemies
Like slaves
Like slaves
We do not want
We do not want
An eternal humiliation, nor a miserable life
We do not want
But we will bring back
Our storied glory
My homeland
My homeland
The sword and the pen
Not talking nor quarreling
Are our symbols
Are our symbols
Our glory and covenant
And a duty to be faithful
Moves us
Moves us
Our honor
Our honor
Is an honorable cause, and a waving flag
O, behold you
In your eminence
Vanquishing your enemy
My homeland

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Iraq national anthem, please visit:
The Historical Significance of Iraq’s National Anthem: Mawtini
Iraq National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Iraq national anthem, “Mawtini.”

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