Finland National Anthem Lyrics

The Finland national anthem, “Maamme” (Our Land), celebrates the heritage and pride of the Finnish nation. Below are the original lyrics in Finnish and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: Maamme (Our Land)
  • Written Date: 1848
  • Lyricist: Johan Ludvig Runeberg
  • Composer: Fredrik Pacius
  • Official Adoption Date: 1917

Original Lyrics in Finnish

Oi maamme, Suomi, synnyinmaa,
soi, sana kultainen!
Ei laaksoa, ei kukkulaa,
ei vettä, rantaa rakkaampaa,
kuin kotimaa tää pohjoinen,
maa kallis isien.

Sun kukoistukses kuorestaan
kerrankin puhkeaa;
viel’ lempemme saa nousemaan
sun toivos, riemus loistossaan,
ja kerran, laulus, synnyinmaa,
korkeemman kaiun saa.

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Finland national anthem English version. “Maamme” (Our Land) reflects the pride and unity of Finland. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

O our land, Finland, fatherland,
echo loudly, golden word!
No valley, no hill,
nor water, shore more dear
than this northern homeland,
the dear land of our fathers.

Your blossom, happiness,
shall rise in the future,
and once again your hope,
glory, and joy
shall rise, Finland,
high in the future.

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Finland national anthem, please visit:
Exploring the Historical Significance of Finland’s National Anthem
Finland National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Finland national anthem, “Maamme.”

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