Gabon National Anthem Lyrics

The Gabon national anthem, “La Concorde” (The Concord), celebrates the unity, history, and aspirations of the Gabonese nation. Below are the original lyrics in French and their English translation.

Additional Information

  • Anthem Name: La Concorde (The Concord)
  • Written Date: 1960
  • Lyricist: Georges Aleka Damas
  • Composer: Georges Aleka Damas
  • Official Adoption Date: 1960

Original Lyrics in French

Uni dans la Concorde et la fraternité
Eveille-toi Gabon, une aurore se lève,
Encourage l’ardeur qui vibre et nous soulève!
C’est enfin notre essor vers la félicité.
C’est enfin notre essor vers la félicité.
Eblouissant et fier, le jour sublime monte
Pourchassant à jamais l’injustice et la honte.
Qu’il monte, monte encore et calme nos alarmes,
Qu’il prône la vertu et repousse les armes.
Qu’il prône la vertu et repousse les armes.

Oui que le temps heureux rêvé par nos ancêtres
Arrive enfin chez nous, réjouisse les êtres,
Et chasse les sorciers, ces perfides trompeurs.
Qui sèment le poison et répandent la peur.
Pour que le Gabon que nos aïeux nous ont légué
Reste digne de ceux qui nous ont précédé.
Tombe la tyrannie, et renaisse la joie.
L’essor de ce pays, accourt à notre émoi!

English Translation of the Lyrics

Here is the Gabon national anthem English version. “La Concorde” reflects the pride and unity of Gabon. Below is the English translation of the lyrics.

United in Concord and fraternity
Awake, Gabon, a new dawn is rising,
Encouraging the fervor that vibrates and lifts us!
It is finally our rise towards happiness.
It is finally our rise towards happiness.
Dazzling and proud, the sublime day is rising
Chasing away forever injustice and shame.
Let it rise, rise again and calm our alarms,
Let it preach virtue and repel weapons.
Let it preach virtue and repel weapons.

Yes, may the happy time dreamed by our ancestors
Finally arrive among us, rejoice the beings,
And drive out the sorcerers, those deceitful deceivers.
Who sow poison and spread fear.
So that the Gabon our ancestors bequeathed to us
Remains worthy of those who preceded us.
Let tyranny fall, and joy be reborn.
The rise of this country, rush to our excitement!

Supporting Links

For a more detailed and original content about the Gabon national anthem, please visit:
The Significance of the Gabon National Anthem: Unity, History, and Aspirations
Gabon National Anthem History – Wikipedia
These links provide additional details on the lyrics, historical context, and significance of the Gabon national anthem, “La Concorde.”

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