United Arab Emirates National Anthem Lyrics

The United Arab Emirates national anthem, “Ishy Bilady,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in Arabic. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Arabic عيشي بلادي، عاش اتحاد إماراتناعشت لشعب دينه الإسلام هديه القرآنحصنتك بسم الله يا وطنبلادي بلادي بلادي بلاديحماك الإله شرور الزمانأقسمنا أن نبني نعملنعمل نخلص نعمل نخلصمهما…

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Ukraine National Anthem Lyrics

The Ukraine national anthem, “Shche ne vmerla Ukrainy,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in Ukrainian. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Ukranian Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля,Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля.Згинуть наші вороженьки, як роса на сонці,Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці. Душу…

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Uganda National Anthem Lyrics

The Uganda national anthem, “Oh Uganda, Land of Beauty,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in English. Additional Information Original Lyrics in English Oh Uganda! may God uphold thee,We lay our future in thy hand.United, free,For libertyTogether we’ll always stand. Oh Uganda! the land of freedom,Our love and…

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Turkmenistan National Anthem Lyrics

The Turkmenistan national anthem, “Garaşsyz, Bitarap Türkmenistanyň Döwlet Gimni,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in Turkmen. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Turkmen Türkmenistan, Watanym meniň,Gülýän bagtym, saçagym-saltanym,Sen bakyýa milletiň bahbuda,Bitarap diýar! Jan Türkmenistanym,Türkmenistanym,Baýdagyň belentde dünýä dolansyn,Türkmenistanym,Jan Watanym! Başda belent çynarlarym bar,Ruhyýetli sütüniň doranyň,Mertleriň beýik mertebesi sen,Görkli diýar!…

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Tunisia National Anthem Lyrics

The Tunisia national anthem, “Humat Al-Hima,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in Arabic. Additional Information Original Lyrics in Arabic حماةَ الحمى يا حماةَ الحمىهلمّوا هلمّوا لمجدِ الزمنْلقد صرختْ في عروقِنا الدِمانموتُ نموتُ ويحيا الوطنْلتدو السماواتُ برعدِهالترم الصواعقُ نيرانَهاإلى عِزّ تونسَ إلى مَجدِهارجالُ البلادِ وشُبانهاإذا الشعبُ يوما أرادَ…

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Togo National Anthem Lyrics

The Togo national anthem, “Terre de nos aïeux,” is a symbol of national pride and unity. Below are the original lyrics in French. Additional Information Original Lyrics in French Salut à toi, pays de nos aïeux,Toi qui les rendus forts,Paisibles et joyeux,Cultivant vertu, vaillance,Pour la prospérité.Que viennent les tyrans,Ton cœur soupire vers la liberté.Togo debout!…

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